Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I want to ride my bicycle...

I'm sick of the rain.  Its been cold, cloudy, and rainy here for days.

Now, I know what you're thinking, "Its April, of course its going to be rainy."  I understand that.  But its really been rainy.  And did I mention cold?

I'm sick of it.  While our winter wasn't harsh its just sort of drug on, being cold and gray from November until now with only brief respite.

Am I whining?

Oh yeah.

But, I swear, I have a legitimately good reason for it! Honest!

I'm loving my bike again.

Now, don't get me wrong, I've loved cycling since I started seriously when I was 14, but the past decade or more I haven't really done it much.

Oh, I'd log a couple hundred miles at least a year, but since I got fat, I didn't ride all that much.  When most of your riding was done between 120-150lbs and suddenly you're 200+ pounds its a WHOLE lot harder.

Over the past 7 months I've lost about 25 pounds.  Its amazing how that has made a difference.  Being out on my bike is FUN again.

I look forward to it when I get home from work.

I MISS it on days like today when I can't get out for a ride.

The best will be how it helps me keep losing weight.  I figure if it feels this good at 190, how good will it feel at 170?

As Freddy Mercury once sang, "Get on your bikes and RIDE!"

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