Why not. My old blog is cluttered with all sorts of things. Its more personal and family oriented anyway.
So here, under my normal moniker, is a new blog for anyone who cares and those who don't as well.
Yesterday, 4/15/13 was a surreal day. It seemed normal, like most days that become infamous. On my lunch I quick rushed to the post office to mail out an intermediate shaft I sold on eBay. On the way back to my job I listened to NPR which was discussing the Boston Marathon.
The male and female winners were the topic of discussion. The male race was very close, I believe an Ethiopian edged out a Kenyan by about 5 seconds. The female race wasn't as close as recent years, but still was competitive.
Then, an hour or so later I hear the news, an explosion had happened at the Boston Marathon. It was surreal. I'd just been listening to live updates from the marathon. Now there's bombs? People are dead and maimed? What the hell?
Mostly, I just felt sickened and numb. I'm not a big fan of humanity. I often joke about hoping for a killshot meteor, and while I'm not that misanthropic to be serious, its difficult for me to get out of my haze of negativity.
Don't get me wrong, there were heroes yesterday. There are heroes everyday. There are millions of people all this world over doing amazing things for those they know and those they don't know.
However, I still feel as a whole humanity pretty much sucks. I digress.
My heart goes out to the victims. My head tries to fathom the twisted mind(s) that could do this sort of thing. And I'm also living in an age of instant everything. People want instant answers. Everyone (me included) has instant opinions.
That's not necessarily a bad thing in some ways. But life is complex. Life is difficult. Life isn't neat and tidy. Life tends not to package things up neatly.
We have no idea who these terrorists are. It could be a single guy. It could be a group. It could be foreign terrorists. It could be homegrown (much more likely btw.) It could be Islamists, far right radicals, or anarchists. We simply don't know.
I hope we catch the killers. I hope they get locked away forever. Forever being until whatever group in their prison decides to finish what I feel our government isn't qualified to do.
So, my condolences to the victims and a giant sad headshake towards the world.
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