I'm not a big TV watcher. I'm too difficult to please. I don't have cable and don't follow the "popular" cable shows.
I don't really enjoy sitcoms as they fall into a formula ridiculously fast.
I enjoy procedural shows to a degree, but seldom follow them.
But, for the few shows I do watch, it drives me insane when the show just does something stupid.
Case in point. My wife and I enjoy Castle. We're currently watching the 5th season on Hulu. Its been ok, pretty meh as the show has sort of run its course in a lot of ways, but we just finished the continued episodes.
These two episodes were terrible. It was pretty much Taken, except in Castleverse. They even jokingly alluded to Taken acknowledging the plot was a thinly veiled ripoff of it.
Castle's daughter and a friend get kidnapped. The friend's family is loaded, even by Castle standards. They pay a ransom, get their girl back. Alexis is still held hostage. OH MY!!
Castle, doing his best Liam Neeson impression goes to rescue her. Oh, did I mention she got whisked to Paris France? Because its so easy to smuggle 2 people out of the country. Anyway....
Castle goes to rescue her, through some contacts, gets hooked up with people to help him find the bad guys....plot twists abound.
Then, an old dude with a rifle saves Castle....who could this be? Could it be Castle's dad? Yes, yes it could......really? He's a CIA agent?
Ok, I'm bitching about a show that is fairly silly quite often. But, it was just outlandish. The writer's have really run out of better ideas? Why did we have to find out about Castle's dad? Why couldn't it be a mystery?
Ugh. I just dislike it when decent shows do bizarre and dumb things. Overall, I still like Castle, I'm just sitting in front of my computer thinking about all the shows I wanted to like but ultimately couldn't stick with.
Anyone remember Heroes? The first season was meh as I felt they wasted potential, but it was enjoyable. The second season they bizarrely decided to follow ALL THE CHARACTERS NO ONE CARED ABOUT most of the time. Why? I gave up then because it was so bad. Apparently it stumbled along until season 3.
I understand its hard to make good TV shows. Most shows have a life of 3-4 years of good episodes at best. But I wish they'd just assume that from the get go instead of stringing shows along with crap. (Bones anyone? Man, its still ok sometimes, but its pretty bad now too.)
Oh well. Pointless post is pointless.
I'll go back to yelling at clouds.
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