After listening to some poor right wing Christian fumble his way through an explanation of why he cared so much about homosexuals having equal rights, I figured, hey, I'll throw my opinion out there. Why not? Its the internet!
The fundamental question I have for Christians who have such an issue with homosexuality is this: How is it affecting your life in a negative manner?
If you reply, "Its sinful!" to that I reply, other's sin CONSTANTLY in manners much more damaging to society as a whole, yet most of you do little to combat that. Greed, something crippling our country and the world at the moment, is something you speak so little on. Heck, some churches even espouse a gospel of greed as if accumulating wealth is a sign God is blessing you.
So, what's your next idea? Please don't say because the Bible says so.....oh god, you're going there aren't you?
Ok, well, the Bible says LOTS of things, many of those things in the same books the few mentions of homosexuality occur. So, do you wear clothes made out of two different fabrics? Do you think its ok for a man to rape a woman as long as he marries her? You're fine with polygamy then right? Slavery is cool too. Stoning for infidelity? Hope you don't have tattoos (it is doubtful you do I know.) You realize the Bible has 2 creation stories in Genesis right after each other right? Which one is the correct one?
Hang on you might protest, that's old Testament stuff. Oh, you mean like one of the strongest proscriptions of homosexuality? Right there in Leviticus? With all those weird laws we don't follow?
Now, Paul does address homosexuality of a sort in the New Testament. But its brief, and its quite possible he was addressing the Greek practice of adult men taking adolescent boys as "companions." Paul could be vague at times, see Philemon, is he telling Philemon to free Oesimius? Or just forgive him and accept him back?
Now, lets get on to more important things. Let's address what Christ said on the subject. *crickets*
Done with that.
I can accept if you view the behavior as sinful. I might disagree, but here's the problem. Its sin that doesn't affect you. How about you worry about the plank in your eye rather than the speck in theirs? What if all the money spent to "fight the homosexual agenda" (note this is politics, not the religious arena) was spent on other things? Helping to offer quality health care? Advocating for living wages here and abroad? Various other worthy goals that don't include infringing on the rights of your fellow citizens.
I hate to tell you, well, no, I don't. I'm happy to say, you're going to lose this one. 50 years from now you'll look as stupid as the tacit racists who were against integration.
I'm just saddened that you think God is calling you to be this way. I'm pretty sure God doesn't give one more crap about their sin of homosexuality than the litany of sin we all deal with daily. Possibly you could find the charity in your heart to focus on what you can do to improve the world, rather than making it more difficult for others.
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