Libertarianism- A set of related political philosophies that uphold liberty as the highest political end.
Wow, that sounds awesome. I mean, America was founded on liberty, so giving everyone unlimited freedom should be the logical extension of that right?
I mean, if everyone is truly free, then we'll have booming economic growth, happiness will abound, and life will be great right? Because we're all free to do what we want!
Well, yeah, that sounds amazing, and it totally makes sense if you're 10. If you're an adult and you still hold this ideal, well, that's nice, but I think you're more than a little naive. I'm talking mostly in an economic sense here as when it comes to personal choices about your sex life, who you marry, etc. I'm all for people being able to do as they like with minimal government intrusion.
All libertarianism does is insure those that have power and money keep the power and money. We don't need regulation, companies can police themselves. Completely free markets are the best! The market will work out and it will be great for everyone!
Except, we've been shown again and again that simply won't be true. By removing oversight you are ceding power to those with wealth and influence. The poor will be left to fend for themselves even more than they already are (because I'm sorry, private charity is not enough to combat poverty). The middle class will see their limited influence decline even more as the rich and powerful's "liberty" to do as they like continually trumps the middle class' liberty.
Are there plenty of idiotic laws and regulations? Of course. Should most laws be looked at every decade or so to see if they still make sense? Probably. Does this mean we should throw the baby out with the bathwater and let the likes of the Koch brothers tacitly run the country?
Yeah, not so much.